ACT Team 2019-2020

The Administrative Council Team (ACT) has been established to act as a clearing house and point of review for all building level concerns and suggestions at Buena Regional Middle School.

The Team consists of representatives of the various stakeholder groups in the building. The members bring to the meetings concerns from teachers, students, parents, administrators, secretaries, paraprofessionals, maintenance, cafeteria, IT, Youth Center and BOOST. Items you wish to be addressed at these meetings may be given to any member of the team.

The Administrative Council Team (ACT) meets quarterly during the school year in order to address the particular needs of the school community. Minutes of the meeting are distributed to the school community with the solutions and ideas generated. The team generates solutions and implements change fostering support and communication, as well as developing a better school environment.

ScIP Team 2019-2020

School Improvement Panel (ScIP) whose role is to ensure, oversee, and support the implementation of the district's evaluation, professional development (PD), and mentoring policies at the school level.