2017 / 2018 HIGHLIGHTS:
2017 / 2018 HIGHLIGHTS:
Good Samaritan Students
Good Samaritan Students
Mason White, Aaron Pulman, Hayden Rovani and Diego Perez assisted injured student Jaime Rivera on the 5th grade bowling trip.
Mason White, Aaron Pulman, Hayden Rovani and Diego Perez assisted injured student Jaime Rivera on the 5th grade bowling trip.
Red, White & Blue Day (left) & Pajama Day (right)!
Red, White & Blue Day (left) & Pajama Day (right)!
Mrs. Molnar and Waldorf's 3rd grade class!
Mrs. Molnar and Waldorf's 3rd grade class!
Students write uplifting, nice and supportive notes of each other to post onto the "Shout Out Wall"!
Students write uplifting, nice and supportive notes of each other to post onto the "Shout Out Wall"!
Quarter Three Principal Honor Roll List
Quarter Three Principal Honor Roll List
Celebrating Dr. Suess!
Celebrating Dr. Suess!
January 2018 Cheetahs of the Month
January 2018 Cheetahs of the Month
Pajama Day!
Pajama Day!