Welcome to the CST Department
Welcome to the CST Department
Welcome to the Buena Regional Child Study Team (CST) web page. One of the goals of the CST is to provide diagnostic, educational and consultative services for students and families with school related disabilities. These services are conducted in assurance with Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14.
Welcome to the Buena Regional Child Study Team (CST) web page. One of the goals of the CST is to provide diagnostic, educational and consultative services for students and families with school related disabilities. These services are conducted in assurance with Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14.
The CST is a multidisciplinary team comprised of the following: school psychologist, learning disabilities teacher consultant (LDTC) social worker, and when appropriate, behaviorist, occupational therapist and/or speech therapist.
The CST is a multidisciplinary team comprised of the following: school psychologist, learning disabilities teacher consultant (LDTC) social worker, and when appropriate, behaviorist, occupational therapist and/or speech therapist.
According to the New Jersey Administrative Code, the aforementioned evaluative services performed by the CST may include two or more of the following assessments: a psychological evaluation, social work assessment or learning evaluation. Each evaluation of the student shall:
According to the New Jersey Administrative Code, the aforementioned evaluative services performed by the CST may include two or more of the following assessments: a psychological evaluation, social work assessment or learning evaluation. Each evaluation of the student shall:
1. Include, when appropriate, or required, the use of standardized tests (s) which shall be:
1. Include, when appropriate, or required, the use of standardized tests (s) which shall be:
-Individually administered;
-Individually administered;
-Valid and reliable; and
-Valid and reliable; and
-Normed on a representative population
-Normed on a representative population
2. Include a functional assessment of academic performance and where appropriate, behavior. Each of the following components shall be completed by at least one evaluator:
2. Include a functional assessment of academic performance and where appropriate, behavior. Each of the following components shall be completed by at least one evaluator:
-A minimum of one structured observation;
-A minimum of one structured observation;
-An interview with the student's parent/guardian;
-An interview with the student's parent/guardian;
-An interview with a teacher;
-An interview with a teacher;
-A review of the interventions documented by the classroom teacher(s) and others who work with the child;
-A review of the interventions documented by the classroom teacher(s) and others who work with the child;
-One or more informal measure(s)​
-One or more informal measure(s)​